Visa Requirements for Dominican Citizens
Visa Information for Passport Holders of Dominica
Freedom of Travel
Dominican passport holders can travel to 4 destinations without a visa. Identify cards or passports may be required.
- Antigua and Barbuda PermalinkShow on MapFreedom Of MovementFreedom of movement for OECS states; ID card valid
- Grenada PermalinkShow on MapFreedom Of MovementFreedom of movement for OECS states; ID card valid
- Saint Kitts and Nevis PermalinkShow on MapFreedom Of MovementFreedom of movement for OECS states; ID card valid
- Saint Lucia PermalinkShow on MapFreedom Of MovementFreedom of movement for OECS states; ID card valid
Visa Not Required
81 destinations allow visa-free entry to Dominican citizens.
- Andorra PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free
- Argentina PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days
- Austria PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Bahamas PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free3 months
- Barbados PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free180 daysHolders of Caricom Certificate of Skills can stay indefinitely.
- Belarus PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free30 daysMust arrive and depart via Minsk International Airport.
- Belgium PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Belize PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free6 monthsHolders of Caricom Certificate of Skills can stay indefinitely.
- Bosnia and Herzegovina PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days
- Botswana PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any year period
- Brazil PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period
- Bulgaria PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- China PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free30 daysVisa-free agreement signed with China in effect from 19 Sep 2022.
- Colombia PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 daysExtendable up to 180-days stay within a one-year period
- Costa Rica PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free30 days
- Croatia PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Cuba PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free28 days
- Cyprus PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period
- Czech Republic PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Denmark PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Dominican Republic PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days
- Ecuador PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days
- Estonia PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Eswatini PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free30 days
- Fiji PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free4 months
- Finland PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- France PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Gambia PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days
- Georgia PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days per 180 days period
- Germany PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Greece PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Guyana PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free6 monthsHolders of Caricom Certificate of Skills can stay indefinitely.
- Haiti PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free3 months
- Hungary PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Iceland PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Israel PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free3 monthsNon-Ordinary passports require a visa
- Italy PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Jamaica PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free6 monthsHolders of Caricom Certificate of Skills can stay indefinitely.
- Kiribati PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days
- Latvia PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Lesotho PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days
- Liechtenstein PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Lithuania PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Luxembourg PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Malawi PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days
- Malaysia PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free30 days
- Malta PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Mauritius PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free180 days180 days per calendar for tourism, 120 days per calendar for business
- Micronesia PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free30 days
- Moldova PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period
- Monaco PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free
- Montenegro PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days
- Netherlands PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Norway PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Panama PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days
- Peru PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days
- Philippines PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free30 days
- Poland PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Portugal PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Romania PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Russia PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period
- Rwanda PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free30 days
- San Marino PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free
- Serbia PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period
- Singapore PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free30 days
- Slovakia PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Slovenia PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Spain PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Suriname PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free6 monthsHolders of Caricom Certificate of Skills can stay indefinitely.
- Sweden PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Switzerland PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period in the Schengen Area
- Tanzania PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days
- Thailand PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free60 days
- Trinidad and Tobago PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free6 monthsHolders of Caricom Certificate of Skills can stay indefinitely.
- Ukraine PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days90 days within any 180 day period
- Uruguay PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days
- Uzbekistan PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free30 days
- Vanuatu PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days
- Vatican PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free
- Venezuela PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days
- Zambia PermalinkShow on MapVisa-Free90 days as tourists or 30 days for business
Visa On Arrival
A visa can be obtained upon arrival at 25 destinations for passport holders of Dominica.
- Armenia PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival120 daysObtainable on arrival at Zvartnots International Airport or prior to travel online.
- Bangladesh PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival30 daysNot available at all entry points.
- Bolivia PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival90 days
- Burundi PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival
- Cape Verde PermalinkShow on MapVisa On ArrivalNot available at all entry points.
- Comoros PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival
- Egypt PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival30 days
- Guinea-Bissau PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival90 days
- Jordan PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival30 daysConditions apply.
Not available at all entry points. - Maldives PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival30 days
- Mauritania PermalinkShow on MapVisa On ArrivalAvailable at Nouakchott–Oumtounsy International Airport.
- Mozambique PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival30 daysConditions apply
- Nicaragua PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival90 days
- Palau PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival30 days
- Samoa PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival60 days
- Senegal PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival
- Seychelles PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival3 months
- Sierra Leone PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival
- Solomon Islands PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival3 months
- Somalia PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival30 daysAvailable at Bosaso Airport, Galcaio Airport and Mogadishu Airport.
- Timor-Leste PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival30 daysNot available at all entry points.
- Togo PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival7 days
- Tonga PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival31 days
- Tuvalu PermalinkShow on MapVisa On Arrival1 month
- Uganda PermalinkShow on MapVisa On ArrivalDetermined at the port of entry.
May apply online.
Dominican passport allows entry to 25 destinations with an eVisa obtained prior to arrival.
- Albania PermalinkShow on MapeVisaVisa not required for holders of a multiple entry visa issued by the US, if having used the visa to enter the US at least once, for a maximum stay of 90 days. The maximum stay allowed under visa exemptions is granted within 6 months.
- Bahrain PermalinkShow on MapeVisa
- Bhutan PermalinkShow on MapeVisa
- Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) PermalinkShow on MapeVisa
- Democratic Republic of the Congo PermalinkShow on MapeVisa7 days
- Equatorial Guinea PermalinkShow on MapeVisaMust arrive via Malabo International Airport, processing fee 75 USD
- Ethiopia PermalinkShow on MapeVisaup to 90 dayseVisa holders must arrive via Addis Ababa Bole International Airport
- Gabon PermalinkShow on MapeVisaElectronic visa holders must arrive via Libreville International Airport.
- Guinea PermalinkShow on MapeVisa90 days
- India PermalinkShow on MapeVisa60 dayse-Visa holders must arrive via 31 designated airports
An Indian e-Tourist Visa may only be obtained twice within 1 calendar year.
Foreigners of Pakistani origin or who hold a Pakistani Passport are not eligible for an e-Visa. Foreigners who are not Pakistani nationals, but whose parents or grandparents (either paternal or maternal) were born in, or were permanent residents in Pakistan, are also not eligible for an e-Visa. - Kazakhstan PermalinkShow on MapeVisa
- Kenya PermalinkShow on MapeVisa90 days
- Kyrgyzstan PermalinkShow on MapeVisaElectronic visa holders must arrive via Manas International Airport or Osh Airport or through land crossings with China (at Irkeshtam and Torugart), Kazakhstan (at Ak-jol, Ak-Tilek, Chaldybar, Chon-Kapka), Tajikistan (at Bor-Dobo, Kulundu, Kyzyl-Bel) and Uzbekistan (at Dostuk).
- Mongolia PermalinkShow on MapeVisa
- Nigeria PermalinkShow on MapeVisa
- Pakistan PermalinkShow on MapeVisa90 daysIssued free of charge as of August 2024.
- Papua New Guinea PermalinkShow on MapeVisa30 days
- Qatar PermalinkShow on MapeVisa90 days
- South Korea PermalinkShow on MapeVisa90 daysKorean electronic travel authorization for 2years.
- South Sudan PermalinkShow on MapeVisaObtainable online
Printed visa authorization must be presented at the time of travel - Sri Lanka PermalinkShow on MapeVisa30 days
- São Tome and Príncipe PermalinkShow on MapeVisaVisa is obtained online.
- Tajikistan PermalinkShow on MapeVisa90 days
- Vietnam PermalinkShow on MapeVisa90 daysPhú Quốc without a visa for up to 30 days.
- Zimbabwe PermalinkShow on MapeVisa30 days
eVisa / On Arrival
For 7 destinations, On-Arrival visa or an electronic visa / auhtorization is available to passport holders of Dominica.
- Benin PermalinkShow on MapeVisa or Visa On Arrival30 days / 8 daysMust have an international vaccination certificate.
- Cambodia PermalinkShow on MapeVisa or Visa On Arrival30 daysVisa obtainable online.
- Djibouti PermalinkShow on MapeVisa or Visa On Arrival31 days
- Iran PermalinkShow on MapeVisa or Visa On Arrival30 days
- Laos PermalinkShow on MapeVisa or Visa On Arrival30 days17
e-Visa may be used to enter Laos through Luang Prabang, Pakse and Vientiane international airports, 3 Thai-Lao Friendship Bridges
Visa on arrival is available at Luang Prabang, Pakse and Vientiane international airports, the 4 Thai-Lao Friendship Bridges
Visa on arrival is extendable for an additional 60 days at the Department of Immigration in Vientiane. - Madagascar PermalinkShow on MapeVisa or Visa On Arrival90 days
- Nepal PermalinkShow on MapeVisa or Visa On Arrival90 days
Pre-arranged Visa Required
50 destinations require a visa obtained at an embassy or consulate prior to arrival from passport holders of Dominica. This requirement may be waived off if Dominican citizens meet certain alternate requirements such as holding other visas or resident permits.
- Afghanistan PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Algeria PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Angola PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Australia PermalinkShow on MapVisa RequiredMay apply online (Online Visitor e600 visa).
- Azerbaijan PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Brunei PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Burkina Faso PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Cameroon PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Canada PermalinkShow on MapVisa RequiredVisa not required for US permanent resident card Holders.
- Central African Republic PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Chad PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Chile PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Congo PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- El Salvador PermalinkShow on MapVisa RequiredVisa not required for Holders of a valid visa issued by Canada, the USA or a Schengen Member State.
- Eritrea PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Ghana PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Guatemala PermalinkShow on MapVisa RequiredVisa not required for a max. stay of 90 days for holders of a valid visa issued by Canada, the USA or a Schengen Member.
- Honduras PermalinkShow on MapVisa RequiredVisa not required for holders of a visa valid for at least 6 months on arrival, issued by Canada, the USA or a Schengen Member State .
- Indonesia PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Iraq PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Ireland PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Japan PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Kuwait PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Lebanon PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Liberia PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Libya PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Macedonia PermalinkShow on MapVisa RequiredVisa not required for holders of a visa issued by Canada or USA. The visa must be valid for at least 5 days beyond the period of intended stay in North Macedonia. Visa exempt for a maximum stay of 15 days.
- Mali PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Marshall Islands PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Mexico PermalinkShow on MapVisa RequiredVisa not required for holders of a visa issued by Canada, Japan, United States, United Kingdom or a Schengen Member State for a maximum stay of 180 days.
- Morocco PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Myanmar PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Namibia PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Nauru PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- New Zealand PermalinkShow on MapVisa RequiredHolders of an Australian Permanent Resident Visa or Resident Return Visa may be granted a New Zealand Resident Visa on arrival permitting indefinite stay (pursuant to the Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangement), subject to meeting character requirements and obtaining an Electronic Travel Authority prior to departure.
- Niger PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- North Korea PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Oman PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Paraguay PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Saudi Arabia PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- South Africa PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Sudan PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Syria PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Tunisia PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Türkiye PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Turkmenistan PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- United Arab Emirates PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- United Kingdom PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- United States of America PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
- Yemen PermalinkShow on MapVisa Required
Information last checked . Requirements last changed on .